Major Strategic Review 2016
This is the second strategic review undertaken by the Shire of York. The first was carried out in 2012 and the documents developed at that time can be found here. Since that time the Council has developed the Roads and Bridges Asset Plan and the Buildings and Structures Asset Plan which provide new information about the base level of needed Council expenditure. These continue to be updated and will be reviewed again as a part of the Major Strategic Review. The Council has recently adopted an Asset Management Policy and has commenced an asset management plan review.
The legislation also requires the Council to undertake a risk assessment process as part of the Strategic Review. The Council has recently adopted a Risk Assessment and Management Policy and will continue to develop this area.
Launch of the Major Strategic Review 2016
The Council adopted the process for the Major Strategic review 2016 at its 28 January Ordinary Council Meeting. It also published an article in the Community Matters newspaper.
Community Engagement and Consultation Process
This will be updated as the process develops. Current documents are:
Major Strategic Review 2016: Timeline
Major Strategic review 2016: Engagement and Consultation Plan
Community Engagement & Consultation
Background Information for Community Process
As information is compiled for use in the community engagement process, this will be added here.
Reports to Council
Formal reports will go to Council meetings on the process on a regular basis. The reports to date are:
28 January 2016 (Adoption of High level Process)
Draft Documents
These will be developed from the Community Engagement Process in February/ March 2016 and will include the 2016 Strategic Community Plan, the Corporate Business Plan, the Long Term Financial Plan, the Workforce Plan and the 2016/17 Annual Budget. These will be available for consultation in early May 2016.