Macartney Street/ Old Home Hardware
A partnership project between the Shire of York and the York and Districts Co-operative supporting the revitalisation of the Old Home Hardware site as a community space that is safe, green and functional.
Project Status
Currently in Design phase, the shire is working with a landscape architect and traffic engineer to finalise plans.
Drafting land use agreement with the York & Districts Co-operative.
Project Timeline
Commenced October 2024
Scheduled for completion December 2024
Scheduled for early 2025
Scheduled to start in 2025
Relevant Documents
Macartney Street Home Hardware Listening Report
Memorandum Of Understanding - York & District Co-Operative Ltd - Council Resolution – Ordinary Council Meeting 27 February 2024
Why is the Shire working on privately owned land?
The demolition of the existing building and Quick Win Project presents an opportunity for York Co-op and the Shire to work together to realise value to the community in activating these spaces. The intention is the Shire will lease a portion of the site into the future.
When will it be completed?
The community greenspace at the Avon Terrace frontage will need to be staged and completed as funding allows. The first step is to get some functional community space in place before June 2025.
Is the Shire paying for car parking for the IGA?
No, the Shire will be responsible for the community space and the Co-op will be responsible for their own car parking, with joint costs shared.
When will the community get their say?
The community co-design process delivered in 2023 as part of the Town Teams work has provided the inspiration for the concept planning. Once the concept plans are developed a community ‘check in’ will be important to ensure we stay true to that co-design process.