Linking Table: Changes to Policy Numbers
Following the rebranding of the Policy Manual (April 2021), changes were made to the existing policy numbers and overall formatting of the policy manual.
Please refer to the linking table if you are looking for a former policy number.
Strategic Policies (Council)
In accordance with Section 2.7(2) of the Local Government Act 1995, Council is to determine the Shire’s policies.
The development and management of Council policy is an ongoing process. It is important that Council policies are kept up to date and are reviewed on a regular basis under the direction of the Chief Executive Officer. If any changes or amendments are required these are presented to Council for consideration.
Only Council can adopt, amend or rescind a Strategic Policy.
Community Policies
C1 - Freeman of the Shire of York
C2 - Australia Day Awards
C3 - Community Funding Grants Sponsorship
C4 - Sponsorship of Tourism Events
C5 - Public Events in York
C6 - Public Art
C7 - Keeping of Three to Six Dogs
Elected Member Policies
E1 - Code of Conduct - Council Members, Committee Members and Candidates
E2 - Councillors - Training and Continuing Professional Development
E3 - Councillors - Travel and Accommodation
E4 - Council Delegates - Roles and Responsibilities
E5 - Induction for Councillors
E6 - Rescinded February 2025
E7 - Councillors - Recognition of Service
E8 - Payment of Legal Costs for Councillors
E9 - Attendance at Events - Elected Members and CEO
E10 - Provision of IT Equipment for Councillors
E11 - Council Code of Conduct Division 3 Complaint Handling Policy
E12 - Recording of Council & Committee Meetings
E13 - Electronic Meetings and Attendance at Council and Committee Meetings via Electronic Means
E14 - Communications Protocol
Finance Policies
F1 - Revenue Collection
F2 - Procurement
F3 - Significant Accounting Policies
F4 - Investment
F5 - Authority to Make Payments from Trust and Municipal Funds
F6 - Corporate Credit Card Policy
F7 - Concessions on Commercial and Farming Properties Occupied by Pensioners/Seniors
F8 - Rates Exemptions for Charitable Purposes
F9 - Panels of Pre-Qualified Suppliers
F10 - Financial Hardship - Rates and Charges
F11 - Financial Planning and Sustainability
F12 - External Grants - Procurement and Management
F13 - Financial Reserves
Governance Policies
G1 - Record Keeping
G2 - Designation of Senior Employees
G3 - Civic Functions and Hospitality
G4 - Appointment of Acting or Temporary Chief Executive Officer
G5 - Comprehensive Complaints Response
G6 - Community Access to Information
G7 - Disruptive Behaviour at Council Meetings
G8 - Petitions
G9 - Reference Groups
G10 - Public Question Time
G11 - Conduct of Council Forums
G12 - Social Media
G13 - Community Engagement and Consultation
G14 - State Administrative Tribunal
G15 - Whistleblower (Public Interest Disclosure)
G16 - Fraud, Corruption and Misconduct Prevention
G17 - Integrated Planning and Reporting - Planning
G18 - Integrated Planning and Reporting - Reporting
G19 - Risk Assessment and Management
G20 - Rescinded February 2025
G21 - Execution of Documents and use of the Common Seal
G22 - Use of the Shire of York Crest and Logo
G23 - Commissioning Legal Advice
G24 - Local Government Resource Sharing
G25 - Compliance
G26 - Model Standards for CEO Recruitment, Performance and Termination
G27 - Vandalism of Council Property
G28 - Gates Across Road Reserves
G29 - Western Power
G30 - Vacant
G31 - Flags
Health Policies
H1 - Work Health and Safety
H2 - Onsite Effluent Disposal Facility
H3 - Temporary Accommodation
Infrastructure Policies
I1 - Temporary Road Closures - Wet Weather
I2 - Road Hierarchy
Town Planning Policies
P1 - Advertising Signage
P2 - Barn Style Shed Houses
P3 - Developer Contributions for Road and Footpath Upgrading
P4 - Extractive Industries - Road Maintenance Contribution
P5 - Heritage Management - Interpretative Signage
P6 - Heritage Conservation and Development
P7 - Vacant
P8 - Relocated Second Hand Dwellings
P9 - Sea Containers
P10 - Vacant
P11 - Vacant
P12 - Temporary Alfresco Dining Areas
P13 - Outbuildings in R-Coded Areas
P14 - Outbuildings in Rural Zones
Operational Policies (Staff)
In accordance with Section 5.41 of the Local Government Act 1995, it is a function of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to manage the day-to-day operations of the local government and to be responsible for the employment, management supervision, direction and dismissal of the local government’s employees. This is not the role or function of Council.
Therefore, policies relating to staff cannot be determined by Council. While those policies have been included here for the purpose of transparency and accountability, it should be noted they are internal documents determined, reviewed and implemented by the CEO.
Operational Policies
O1 - Staff Superannuation
O2 - Volunteer Management
O3 - Workforce & Human Resources
O4 - Alcohol & Other Drugs
O5 - Asset Management
O6 - Internal Controls
O7 - Heat Management
O8 - Employee Code of Conduct
O9 - Staff Uniform
O10 - Employee Recognition
O11 - Equal Employment Opportunity & Diversity
O12 - Generative AI