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Frequently Asked Questions

The purpose of this 'Frequently Asked Questions' page is to provide answers to the questions most commonly asked by the public.

Bee & Snake Removal

Please contact the following who will be able to assist with the collection of a swarm:

Bees - Sydney Sirr                     0429 876 653
Bees - James Haggarty           0411 574 666
Bees - Bevan Meredith          0407 089 007
Bees - Tony Page                       0436 855 763

Please contact the following who will be able to assist with the removal of a snake:

Snakes -  Jyden Couzens    0488 278 606 - may be costs associated with this service.

Note: this list is not a recommendation, just a guide of who is available in the region.

Building & Planning

I've just bought a block of land. Can I build a shed, then later build my house?

Sheds are only permitted where they are ancillary to a Single House. There is the ability to submit a development application requesting to build a shed prior to a house for Council’s consideration, although generally they are not supported. Please note that once there has been a building permit issued for a dwelling, the Building Regulations 2012 provide for temporary structures to be erected to store building materials for the duration of the building permit.     

Sheds are non-habitable buildings, which are not to be used for accommodation, even whilst a home is built.

Do I need building approval to build my gazebo/patio/carport/shed?

Yes. A building application can be found on the Shire of York Website:, or obtained from the Shire office. Your application will need to be submitted and approved BEFORE any works are to commence. Approval is not required for sheds/gazebos/outbuildings with floor areas less than 10 square metres and less than 2.4 metres in height. In certain circumstances, a development application will also need to be submitted. Shire officers will be able to advise you if this is required. 

Rainwater Tanks

Do you need Shire approval before installing rain water tanks?

A building permit is required for all rainwater tanks over 5,000 litres. In certain circumstances, a development approval will also need to be submitted. Shire offices will be able to advise you if this is required. 


Do I need Shire approval before installing a spa?

Yes.  Please contact Building Services at the Shire of York.


Upkeep of Grave Sites

The Shire is responsible for maintaining the upkeep of the Cemetery grounds, however it is the responsibility of families to maintain upkeep of graves – changing flowers, weeding, removal of rubbish, damaged headstones etc. A licence and permit are required for any monumental works.

General Information

Public Toilets – where are they located and are they open at night?

Avon Park Toilets – Lowe Street, York. Open 24 hours
Howick Street Toilets. Open 24 hours
Town Hall Toilets – Joaquina Street, York. Open 9.00am to 4.00pm

FREE – 24hr RV Parking - Where can I park the night for free?

Janet Millet Lane RV Rest Stop, York. (Opposite side of the river to Avon Park)
24-hour parking limit. The Janet Millet Lane RV rest stop is unpowered with no ablution facilities.  RVs must be fully self-contained to utilise the area

Fresh water, free gas BBQ’s with shaded picnic areas are available at Avon Park

Gwambygine Park – 11km south of York. Great Southern Highway, on the way to Beverley
24-hour parking limit

Offering a bush experience Gwambygine Park offers toilet facilities, free gas BBQ and picnic areas

If you wish to stay longer, there are two caravan parks in the York area.  Please contact the York Visitors Centre for further information.

How do I let the Shire know I have changed my address?

The Shire requires written notification of any change of records so registration records can be kept up to date, either by email  or post to PO Box 22, York WA 6302.

Infrastructure & Works

Streetlight not working

I've noticed some street lights out. Who do I report it to? 

Customers can go onto the Western Power website: - Report a faulty Streetlight and log a request. 

There is a map to pin point the streetlight in question.

Or you can call Western Power Faults on: 13 13 51.  You will need to note down the pole number and street location. The Shire does not provide maintenance of street poles. Streetlights are installed and maintained by Western Power. Local Governments can only control the location, brightness and number of streetlights in the area.

My street needs grading/repair or reporting of unsafe conditions. Who do I tell?

Roads – Main Roads

The following Roads are managed by Main Roads WA  and any conditions or maintenance are to be reported directly to them: Great Southern Highway from the Lakes, through to Henrietta and South Avon Terrace, then down South Great Southern Highway, as well as Balladong Road, Panmure Road, York-Northam Road and York-Quairading Road.

To report a repair or traffic hazard, customers can contact the Northam Office on 08 9622 4777 or email 

Roads – Shire

Other roads within the Shire are under the control of the Shire of York. 

To report unsafe conditions, please complete an online action request form, located here or by calling into the Shire Office at 1 Joaquina Street.

Trees/Branches Down

If you wish to report fallen trees on local roads or properties, please note as much detail as possible (ie: large, small tree/branch, tree matter scattered over road etc) and call the Shire depot.  This information will assist works crews to ascertain what equipment may be required to remove the hazard effectively ie: chainsaw, sweeper, truck etc.

Why are the sprinklers going on the Parks & Oval in winter?

The sprinklers are sometimes put on timer in the morning to dissolve the frost before it damages the lawns.

Ranger Services

Change of pet ownership

The Shire requires written notification of any change of pet ownership so the registration records can be kept up to date by email to or post to PO Box 22, York WA 6302.  Please ensure you change your microchip details through Australasian Animal Register at or email for further details at

Can I transfer my Animal’s Registration?

Yes, animal registrations can be transferred between local governments anywhere within Western Australia.  You can transfer your animals’ registration to the Shire of York by completing the animal registration form and include the animal’s previous registration tag number or prior address and local government you are moving from.

How do I inform you my pet is now deceased?

The Shire requires written notification of deceased animals so registration records can be kept up to date, you can email us your pet details to or post to PO Box 22 York WA 6302.  Unfortunately, the Dog Act 1976 and Cat Act 2011 do not allow refunds of any remaining registration period.

What age do I need to register my pet?

Dogs need to be registered at 3 months of age and cats need to be registered at 6 months of age.

You must register your pet in person by attending the Shire of York Administration Office at 1 Joaquina Street, York.  Microchip details and sterilisation certificate need to be provided at time of registration. Dog and cat registration forms are provided at the Shire of York Administration Office or can be downloaded from the following link:


How are my rates calculated?

Property values are determined by Landgate (Valuer-General’s Office). The rate in the dollar is set by the Shire of York Council, based on budget requirements.

Rates are calculated by multiplying either the Gross Rental Value (GRV) or Unimproved Value (UV) by the rate in the dollar adopted by Council. Rates are subject to a minimum payment, set each year by Council as part of the Annual Budget.


Rates must be paid in full by the due date irrespective of any objection being lodged. 

If a ratepayer believes their property has been incorrectly valued they may lodge an objection in writing with Landgate within 60 days of the issue of the rates notice on which the value under objection has been used to make the assessment. For information on how your values are calculated and how to lodge an objection, please visit Landgate’s website, or alternatively call Landgate Customer Service on (08) 9273 7373.

Under the Local Government Act 1995 a ratepayer may lodge an objection to the rate record held by the Shire of York which must be lodged with the Shire of York within 42 days of the service of a rate notice.

In the event of a successful objection or appeal, the rates will be adjusted and you will be advised accordingly. Credit balances may be refunded on request.

Waste Management

What days is the Waste Transfer Station Open?

The Shire Transfer Station is open Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 12.00-3.00pm and Sundays from 11.00am-5.00pm.

Containers for Change 

Your local refund point is at the Shire Depot in Maxwell Street. 

Open:  Wednesdays and Saturdays 10.00am - 2.00pm 

Most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard drink containers between 150ml and 3L are eligible.  Please remove lids!