Waste Disposal
The Council's Transfer Station is still regarded as a fine example of waste management operations.
The station is opened Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 12 noon – 3pm and Sunday 11am – 5pm.
Council participates in the "drumMUSTER" program and is always looking at new ways to help the environment.
- The Transfer Station, Car body disposal site and the drumMUSTER collection site are all located on the Spencers Brook Road.
- Council will accept 1m3 or 1 tonne at any one time. Large animal disposal is not available at the Transfer Station and Council will not accept tyres, asbestos or building rubble.
Click on www.recyclingnearyou.com.au which provides a search for local recycling in your area.
Household Rubbish
Council's Waste Contractor provides a household refuse collection service. The pick-ups for these are as follows:
- Townsite East of Avon River – Tuesday from 5.30am.
- Townsite West of Avon River – Wednesday from 5.30am.
- Greenhills and Top Beverley Road – Wednesday.
- Buckingham and Attfield Road Area - Tuesday from 5.00am.
Council provide a recycling service through its Waste Contractors on every fortnight on your normal rubbish bin day. The following can be recycled:
- Aluminium
- Glass jars and bottles
- Steel cans
- Newspapers
Waste Service – Please complete and return this form to the Shire Office or email to records@york.wa.gov.au to request Bin Repairs or Replacement or New Service.
Skip Bins 
One free skip bin is provided within the financial year and is allocated against a property within the Townsite and is only for those that pay the Waste Management Levy and who pay for a sulo rubbish bin. There are a limited number of bins allocated a year so please phone in advance and book your skip bin. The bins are provided for one week and are used for domestic rubbish.
To book your free skip bin, please call Avon Waste on 9641 1318.
York participates in the "drumMUSTER" program. This nation wide program provides for the collection and disposal of used farm chemical containers. A collection yard is located at the transfer station.
Ongoing collection of up to 50 drums can be delivered when the transfer station is open. For deliveries of more than 50 drums, please contact Avon Waste to make sure extra staff are available.
The transfer station is open Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 12noon to 3pm and Sunday 11am to 5pm.
For further information visit the drumMUSTER website at www.drummuster.org.au or contact Avon Waste on 9641 1318.
Used Mobile Phones & Household Batteries
The Shire of York is calling on all local residents to help the environment by recycling their pre-loved mobile phone handsets, batteries and accessories.
MobileMuster recycling collection points and used battery drop off bins can be found at the Administration Centre, 1 Joaquina Street, York and at the York Transfer Station on Spencer Brook Road, York.
For further information visit the MobileMuster Website at www.mobilemuster.com.au or contact the Technical Services Officer at the Shire Office on 9641 2233.
Environmental Talbot Brook Land Management Association Inc