Mt Brown
Situated within 5 minutes of the York Townsite, Mt Brown is a wonderful setting for a picnic and barbecue.
Fantastic views of the Shire of York can been seen from the Mt Brown lookout. The annual ANZAC Day Dawn Ceremony is also conducted from the Mt Brown lookout.

Mt Brown – Picnic & BBQ Area
If you have not noticed the new BBQ, shade shelters, rubbish bins and graded road leading into the picnic area at Mount Brown it could be because you have not visited Mt Brown for a while or it could be because they blend in so well with the natural surroundings.

Phytophthora Dieback Assessment of Mt. Brown Reserve
A Dieback survey on Wongborel/Mt. Brown has been undertaken by Terratree Pty, a DBCA registered Dieback Interpreter, in accordance with the FEM047 Phytophthora Dieback Interpreter’s Manual for lands managed by the Department (FEMD, 2015)
Dieback Assessment Report