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York Recreation and Centre & Gym

 The administration of the York Recreation and Convention Centre (YRCC) has returned to the Shire, thank you for your patience while we transitioned.

General FAQs

When will a Shire staff member be onsite at the YRCC?

  • The Rec Centre Admin Office is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
  • Closed between 12.00pm and 1.00pm Monday to Friday
  • Closed on Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays
Who can I contact?
  • Club Development Officer, Georgia Bolwell
    • Phone: 0407 474 700
    • Email:
  • Shire Main Office:
    • Phone: (08) 9641 0500
    • Email:
How do we make bookings at the YRCC?

The Bar, Function area and Kitchen are managed by the York Bowling Club.  For booking enquiries, please contact Peter Thorp on 0407 380 718

For all other areas including the stadium, tea rooms, oval and tennis courts, enquiries can be made through our Club Development Officer

  • For all venue bookings please go to SpacetoCo, the Shire’s online booking system  Click  HERE


Gym FAQs

Do I have to pay for my gym toggle?

  • There is a refundable $55.00 toggle bond for the 1-month and 3-month memberships.

When is the gym open?

  • Members are able to access the gym 24/7


Is there a Personal Trainer or Gym Instructor at the gym?

  • There is no Personal Trainer or Gym Instructor at the gym, it is unmanned.

Do I have to do an Induction before joining the gym?

  • Yes, you will need to complete an induction or be able to provide evidence that you regularly attend another gym for at least 6 months.

Will waiting for the induction, take time away from my membership?

  • Gym membership will not commence until the induction is completed and toggle is activated.

I’m an existing member, does my membership continue?

  • You will need to renew your membership upon expiry. Please contact the Club Development Officer if you have a query. Renewals can be paid at the Shire Office.

Will my gym toggle still work?

  • Your gym toggle will cease to work on the date of expiry. When you renew your membership, the toggle will be re-activated.

How do I join?

  • Please contact the Shire’s Club Development Officer
    • Phone: 0407 474 700
    • Email:
  • Shire Main Office:
    • Phone: (08) 9641 0500
    • Email:
Clubs FAQs

I'm with an existing club, who do I contact about my licence agreement?
Please contact your Club President for a copy of the licence agreement

What do I do if I spot maintenance or cleaning issues?

You can use the "Report It" function on the Shire of York website or click on the "Report It" link  here

You can leave a note for our Club Development Officer in the communications book located in the gym or you can call or email Georgia direct.

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