Economic Profile
Agriculture (cropping and grazing) has historically been the cornerstone of the Shire’s economy and remains the dominant industry – with 136,100ha of agricultural land holdings generating approximately $46.2M in production value per annum. Cereal crops (particularly wheat) are the most prevalent and valuable to the economy, followed by wool production.
While there is potential to diversify the agricultural industry within the Shire, the availability of water is a key challenge. Other local industries include wine and olive production. Tourism also plays an important economic role. (Extract from York Strategic Community Plan 2018 - 2028, Source: Western Australia Tomorrow Population Report No. 10, Version 1.2,2015)
Western Australia Tomorrow Population Report No. 10 (Medium Term Population Forecasts for Western Australia 2014 to 2026 and Sub-regions 2016 to 2026)
Regional Development Australia - Wheatbelt WA Publications Link