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Council meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month (except January), commencing at 5.00pm. Most meetings are held in Council Chambers, First Floor York Town Hall with the exception of the April Ordinary Meeting which is held at the Talbot Hall, Talbot and the September Ordinary Meeting which is held at the Greenhills Hall, Greenhills.

Any changes are advertised through the website, the Shire's social media and noticeboards. Where timing allows notice is also published in the local newspaper.

Special Council Meetings are held as required. These will also be advertised as required.

Meetings are open to the public and those interested are encouraged to attend.

Agenda Briefing

Agenda Briefings are held on the third Tuesday of the month (except January) commencing at 5.00pm in Council Chambers.  Agenda Briefings provide an opportunity for Councillors to ask questions or seek clarification on matters listed in the Agenda.  No debate or discussion on other topics is permitted.

Agenda Briefings are open to the public, and while no public participation can occur, attending provides an opportunity for the public to see the decision making process of Council in action.

Public Question Time – How To Ask A Question

Public Question Time is at the commencement of each meeting where members of the public can ask questions of the Council. This time is available only for asking questions, and not statements or preamble.

Complex questions that may require research should be submitted as early as possible in order to allow sufficient time to prepare a response.

All questions are to be in writing with the name and address and submitted to the Shire President prior to the meeting or at the meeting.

If questions cannot be answered during the meeting, the Council will take the question on notice and will respond at a later date. The response to the question will also be included in the agenda and minutes of the next Ordinary Council Meeting.

Public Question Time at Council Meetings - Policy and Proforma

Click here to download the Department of Local Government Guidelines for Council Forums

Past Meetings

View Past Council Meetings