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Burns Permit

Date Note

Note: Burn start date must be at least three working days from the application date (for example if you wish to burn on the weekend the application needs to be made on Wednesday or before). Burn End Date must be a maximum of 14 days from Start Date.


Note:- PERMITS ARE CANCELLED on days where the fire danger forecast is HIGH, EXTREME OR CATASTROPHIC or when a HARVEST VEHICLE MOVEMENT BAN or a TOTAL FIRE BAN has been declared (Check for Fire Danger Rating and the Shire SMS Alerts or consult your local Fire Control Officer) *Penalties apply for any breach*

Type of Burning:*This field is required.


Please fill in the Permit conditions you can, type and number of fire appliances and size of fire breaks. The remaining conditions will be finalised by the Fire Control Officer. Once the permit is received a Fire Control Officer will issue you a Permit number and email back a signed permit. If the details of the permit need to be clarified your local Fire Control Officer will contact you to get further details or book in a time to inspect your burn and approve the permit. Permits maybe refused at any time by the Fire Control Officer.

Notify DFES:*This field is required.
Notify Neighbour:*This field is required.
Provide Firebreak:*This field is required.
Wind Conditions
Burn Times:
People attending:*This field is required.
Water Equipment:
Firefighting Equipment:
Reduce fuel loads by separating into small piles or adding small amounts to the fire, reducing ember attacks:
DBCA Location:
Further Conditions:
Form Conditions:*This field is required.
Conditions link
Emergency List:*This field is required.

Acknowledgement:*This field is required.