Experience York - Your Business Spotlight Business data First name*This field is required. * Required Field. Surname*This field is required. * Required Field. Email*This field is required. * Required Field.* Please check you have given a valid email address Phone Number*This field is required. * Required Field.* Please check you have given a valid phone number What is your Business Name*This field is required. * Required Field. How long have you been in business (in York) for?*This field is required. * Required Field. What services/goods do you provide?*This field is required. * Required Field. Do you have certain times of the year that you need assistance with advertising?*This field is required. * Required Field. Do you have an interesting story to share about your business? If so please share with us now:*This field is required. * Required Field. Please send us 1 to 3 clear images to use with your post on the Experience York Facebook/Instagram pages. Images should be sent to records@york.wa.gov.au marked clearly with your business name. Please advise below if you will send images. YesNo Type the code from the image: Do not fill this textbox.