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Sports Star of the Year Award

Details of Nominee

Details of Nominator

Club Certification*This field is required.

Award Category

Junior Sports Star of the Year (under 16 years of age)*This field is required.
Senior Sports Star of the Year Award (over 16 years of age)*This field is required.

Requirements for Consideration

You are encouraged to provide as much detail as possible to help support the nomination and to enable the York Honours Reference Group to thoroughly consider its merits. You should assume the judges are not familiar with the nominee’s sporting history and achievements.

At the local level some things to cover could include:
• How many participants/teams play in the sport?
• What grade/division/age group?
• What awards/competitions have been won?

At higher levels (ie representing an Association, State, Country etc):
• What was the process for getting to this level (ie trials, ‘made your own way’ etc)?
• How many participants trialled/how many times?
• What grade/division/age group did the nominee compete in?
• Where did the nominee compete (ie locally, intrastate, interstate, internationally)?
• How many participants/teams were in the competition?
• What were the results?
• What other awards and honours have been received?

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Judging Criteria

The following criteria is applicable to all nominations:

• The judging year shall be from 1 September to 31 August inclusive. Only performances during this period will be considered.
• There will be one winner each year.
• Clubs/Associations may only nominate one member
• Nominees may be nominated in consecutive years (previous winners are eligible)
• Judging of the Award is strictly private and confidential, with the decision of the York Honours Reference Group being final.
• Nominees must be a York resident/ratepayer, or their family.
• Nominations are to be received by no later than 4.00pm (WST) on 31 October

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