Tender Register
In accordance with Regulation 17 of the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996, the following information is required to be retained as part of the Tender Register and is to be made available for inspection upon request.
Tender Register 2024-2025
T01-2425 - Road Upgrades 2024-25
T02-2425 - Sale of Sea Container
T06-2425 - Plant Hire Services Panel
Tender Register 2023-2024
T02-2324 - Avon Terrace Access Works Construction
T03-2324 - Mackie Siding Crossing - Culvert Construction
T05-2324 - Tree Pruning
Tender Register 2022-2023
T01-2223 - Provision of Enterprise Resource Planning Platform
Tender Register 2021-2022
T02-2122 - Purchase of Grader
Tender Register 2020-2021
P01-2021 - Request for Proposal for Management of YRCC
T01-2021 - Disposal of Synthetic Turf and Lat Pulldown Workout Machine
T02-2021 - Purchase of New Water Truck
T03-2021 - Residency Museum Conservation Works
T04-2021 - Plant Hire 2021/22
T05-2021 - Drainage Works: Cowan Road & Andrews Avenue, York
Tenders prior to 30 June 2020
To view the Tender Register prior to 30 June 2020, please contact the Shire of York.